Rett Graham

Hi I'm Rett and welcome to my portfolio
This is where I showcase my projects and introduce more about me

Rett Graham

Hi I'm Rett and welcome to my portfolio
This is where I showcase my projects and introduce more about me
About Me
I am Rett, a Computer Science undergraduate at the University of Michigan. My passion for efficiency and problem-solving led me to choose computer science. Through active involvement in clubs, labs, and internships, I gained practical experience and a learn-by-doing mindset. Below you can view some of my personal projects along with other experiences I have had. In the end, I aspire to leverage code for meaningful and positive impacts on others.
Personal Projects

Sorting Simulator

What I Did
Implemented 6 core sorting algorithms that visualizes elements from an array being sorted in real-time. Features implemented can modify size and elements in array, change sorting speed, and more. This project strengthen my understanding of core sorting algorithms.
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HTML CSS JavaScript

Path-Finding Vizualizer

What I Did
Implemented depth-first-search pathfinding algorithm that is visualized on a grid. Includes features such as barriers and an option for adjusting start and end points that can be preset. This project strengthen my understanding of core pathfinding algorithms.
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HTML CSS JavaScript

NBA Game Predictor

What I Did
I developed a game predictor utilizing a logistic regression machine learning model to forecast NBA game outcomes. This tool saved me valuable time by eliminating the need to watch games just to see if my favorite team would win. I gained valuable experience in data scraping, developing Flask APIs, external APIs, and working with machine learning models.
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Python ReactJS CSS

NBA Player Database

What I Did
Driven by the goal of efficient organization, I developed a comprehensive NBA player database. It features column-based sorting and multi-attribute player search functionality, allowing quick access to relevant information. With real-time updates upon website refresh, the database accurately reflects player trades, additions, and removals, showcasing my expertise in database management.
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Python ReactJS SQLite CSS

Text RPG Videogame

What I Did
I participated in the 48-hour Shammy Game Jam game development contest. The primary objective of this project was to enhance my understanding of object-oriented programming while also competing for first place. The resulting game, called Battle Conquest, immerses players in infinite waves of enemies and offers opportunities to upgrade their character as they progress. The ultimate goal is to reach the highest level possible and maximize player upgrades.

Automatic Scalebar Detector

What I Did
While as a research assistant in NOME lab, I was tasked to automate the process of extracting scalebar measurements from microscopic cavity images. The process involved several steps involving the implementation of the EAST algorithm and OCR. I developed a strong foundation in computer vision using Python and gained extensive experience with libraries such as NumPy, scikit-learn, and matplotlib, enhancing my skills in image processing and data analysis.
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Highlighted Company Projects

Swap Algorithm

Roommate Finder
What I Did
Designed and implemented the core swapping algorithm that has been used by 1.2k of Eastern Michigan Univeristy dorm students.


What I Did
Created the company website for college students to learn more about what the company offers.

Ad Generator

What I Did
Created a marketing video generator that generates TikTok and Instagram videos that markets the company with a click of a button.


What I Did
Created the company website and validated Python backend AI code with rigorous test suites.

Technical Roadmap

What I Did
Implemented a tech roadmap which listed all the different technical software and devices along with the prices for the main product.

Facebook Webscraper

What I Did
Implemented a webscraping algorithm to collect users on Facebook that are looking for parking spots and assemble them into a excel spreadsheet.

Application Screens

What I Did
Took already created UI/UX designed of app screens and implemented them to be used on the companies main app.

IOS Application

What I Did
Personal work-in-progress venture. An app that will help basketball players train by providing a complete set of basketball drills and moves
React Native Firebase
Completed Courses
  • Elementary Programming Concepts (EECS 183)
  • Discrete Mathematics (EECS 203)
  • Programming and Intro Data Structures (EECS 280)
  • Data Structures and Algorithms (EECS 281)
  • Intro to Computer Organization (EECS 370)
  • Foundations of Computer Science (EECS 376)
  • Computer Vision (EECS 442)
  • Database Management Systems (EECS 484)
  • Web Systems (EECS 485)
  • User Interface Development (EECS 493)
  • Human-Centered Software Development (EECS 497)
  • Linear Algebra (MATH 270)
  • Differential Equations (MTH 251)
Highlighted Course Projects

Instagram Clone

EECS 485
What I Did
Created a instagram clone that can handle infinite scrolling, likes, posts, and login & logout features in real time.
Python ReactJS AWS

Search Engine

EECS 485
What I Did
Created a muti-thread search engine that can find the most relevent articles based on the users search input.
ReactJS Python AWS

Facebook Database

EECS 484
What I Did
Designed a large database that represents a database like Facebook. Depending on the input, the database correctly retrieve or change a large database.
MongoDB Python

Health Application

EECS 493
What I Did
With a group we designed and created a health and fitness website application. This application lets you track your water, workout, and sleep during the year with charts and data metrics.

Euchre Simulator

EECS 280
What I Did
Implemented a euchre simulator that can be played by bots or with other real players.

Delivery Drone

EECS 281
What I Did
Implemented a pathfinding alorithm for a delivery drone to deliver all its contents in the mimimum distance.

Pipeline Processor

EECS 370
What I Did
Created a pipeline processor that acts as a real processor. It use assembly code to run instructions and outputs the results in machine code.

Machine Learning

EECS 442
What I Did
Implemented a GAN model that can take a hand drawn outline and create an image using the outline. It can make a cat in the shape of a square!
PyTorch Python

Desai Accelerator

What I Did
The Desai Accelerator is a startup incubator that helps early stage startup grow their brand and project. The accelerator also teaches valuable entrepreneurial lessons and skills that companies can apply to their own business. At the Desai Accelerator I was the lead software developer tasked with managing software related projects from 5 different tech based startup companies. Each day I was able to find solutions to software relate problems, communicate with other software developers, schedule and lead meetings, and create/improve unique software products.
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Senior Software Developer Intern


What I Did
The NOME lab, housed within the Nuclear Engineering department at the University of Michigan. The department has been ranked #1 in the world for nuclear engineering. During my time at the NOME lab, I developed a image-processing algorithm that automates the extraction of scale-bar image data, significantly enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of future lab implementations. Additionally, I successfully managed a comprehensive database comprising 250+ scale-bar images, providing a valuable resource for ongoing research and analysis within the lab. By implementing my algorithm, the NOME lab has witnessed improved productivity, reduced manual effort, and minimized potential errors, allowing researchers to focus on critical aspects of their work.
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Research Assistant

Entreprenurs Leadership Program

What I Did
I am a fellow of the Entrepreneur Leadership Program, a prestigious initiative that offers intensive training and mentorship to a handpicked group of students. This exclusive program aims to cultivate exceptional functional, managerial, and leadership skills, setting apart the truly outstanding entrepreneurs from the rest. While part of ELP, I have been fortunate to receive a comprehensive experiential curriculum that empowers me to pursue an entrepreneurial path both during and after my college career at the University of Michigan. I am currently part of Cohort 8, an esteemed group comprising 20-25 students, selected from an acceptance rate of less than 15%. Being a part of ELP allows me to delve deep into the qualities and characteristics that define great entrepreneurs and leaders.
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Cohort 8 Fellow

MPowered Entreprenurship

What I Did
MPowered is a student-run flagship entrepreneurship club at the University of Michigan, backed by the Center for Entrepreneurship. Throughout the year, our club orchestrates 6 events that serve as catalysts for inspiration, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit across the university campus. As a director, I collaborate closely with the Center for Entrepreneurship to organize an Innovation Challenge event, attracting 100+ students from all 19 colleges within the university. Additionally, I successfully contributed to the success of the Start-Up Career Fair, leveraging my skills to cold email and foster meaningful connections with various companies, aiming to secure their participation in the event.
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Director & Member